Sunday, March 23, 2008

Because of Him we will always have hope

No matter what age if there is an affliction upon us, we will always search out the most hopefull resolution -- Science or otherwise can afford.
Ten years ago at the age of 23, LaDawne began a difficult road, one marked with challenges and disappointments as well as hopes and joys.
Initially, back in the summer of 98,' LaDawne began experiencing "tingling" in her legs and hands. By October of that same year she was experiencing significant difficulties walking and was no longer able to grasp a pen on her own. She went home to Medicine Hat for two weeks to see her family doctor (as she was living in Calgary going to school) and he recommended her to see her first neurologist in Calgary. When she returned to Calgary, I, Kelly, noticed a significant decline in her abilities and realized probably for the first time the severity of her condition.
The first neurologist appointment was booked shortly after her arrival back to Calgary, and he suspected at that time that LaDawne had a "pinched nerve", but beyond that things were inconclusive. At that same time she was also scheduled for her fist MRI scan, however it was a long wait time, so we were able to book her into the private MRI clinic right away. Several RMC students raised $750 dollars for her to have this procedure. She was prescribed prednizone (a steroid/anti-inflammatory drug). LaDawne responded well to the prednizone, gaining approx. 75% of her strength back, however, still experiencing numbness in her body.
From this point on LaDawne visited 4 additional neurologists who all came back with similar inconclusive reports, from suspected (however non-diagnosable) MS to pinched nerves to "we will never figure you out". During all of this LaDawne remained to be such a "trooper" as Mike would say.....she continued to go to school and completed her degree in Counselling. Also, as some of you may know, LaDawne is quite stubborn, which serves her very well. I remember her always wanting to wear her button fly jeans. Although she was unable to do up her own pants at that point, she insisted to wear them anyways, and would meet people in the washroom, "that she knew" and ask them to undue her pants for her......ahhhh LaDawne always needing to maintain your cool status.
2 1/2 yeas later, LaDawne felt led to have the pastors and elders of Centre Street Church pray for her. At that time she was more desperate for an answer to what was happening in her body, than even for healing at that they anointed her with oil and asked that the Lord reveal what was happening to her. A short time later she was speaking with a professor from RMC who suggested that LaDawne look at a website for Chiari Malformation. The symptoms that she was experiencing lined up with the symptoms of Chiari, and LaDawne felt very hopeful at that time that something was going to change finally because it was operable. The cost of the surgery was $45,000. Praise the Lord that money was raised for her in 5 weeks time! Additionally at that time LaDawne needed a society that could provide tax receipts for donors. She went into her room and prayed about it and when she returned back to the kitchen the phone rang and a man from the "for the love of the children society of Alberta" called and said that he would like to be her "backing society". Hope grew and the surgery was schedualed for July 19, 2000. The doctors here in Alberta did not agree with this diagnosis yet prayers were being answered and doors were being opened, the doctors here had nothing to offer this 25 year old woman.
Following the surgery LaDawne experienced 7 years of stable health, no progression or regression. During these seven years LaDawne and I were married, a very happy and joyful time in our lives. One of LaDawne's dreams was to walk down the isle, many of you witnessed this happen =). Also during this time LaDawne continued to follow up with a neurologist here in Calgary. It was in February of 2005 that LaDawne's doctor assured her that scans showed no sign of a demylenating ie. Multiple sclerosis. And so, throughout this time we always believed that the treatment for Chiari did its job and things would not get worse. But, in November of this past year LaDawne's symptoms continued to worsen. Not as dramatically as the summer of 98', but a slow and steady inability to use her legs effectively in walking. This prompted us to search out more help and possibly a second opinion. Again, "inconclusive" was the only answer we received. This was not good enough, we needed answers so we got a referral to a MS specialist here in Calgary in the begning of February 08'. We are still waiting for a call. Due to the experience we had with diagnosis ten years ago, we anticipated a long wait with no more answers. It was then that we made the decision to seek out help at the Mayo Clinic down in Rochester, Minnesota. They accepted the application and through your prayers and support the doors were opened. We needed an answer.
Well here we are now with our answer. Thank you Lord!
As difficult as it may seem LaDawne and I are at peace. The Love and support we have felt through this process has been amazing, thank you all. We will always have hope, God has led us through quite a journey, but the emphasis is that GOD has led us. He has and will continue to bless us with love and joy and miracles!
He is alive, He is risen from the dead! There is nothing that God cannot do. Please be blessed and celebrate with us this Easter.

(This post was composed by LaDawne, Mike and our friend Kelly Johnson)


lace1070 said...

Hi ~ I saw your post from a google alert I get whenever someone blogs about Chiari ~ what a journey you have been through and thank the Lord for answers. I also have chiari and found out in September of 2006. During my journey I have done a considerable amouont of research on chiari and related disorders like tethered cord. Here's my blog address if you want to read more:

Just my two cents ~ I recently had tethered cord surgery and it has healed the issues I was having with my legs and for now my brain decompression has been infinately delayed. Hugs to you ~ Lace

Jackie said...

I hope this isn't the last post we see from you guys! I know I haven't been the greatest cousin in keeping in contact with you and stuff, but I really think this is a great way to let us know what is going on and ways we can help.

LaDawne, I'm really sorry about all this, it sucks, there is no way around that, but you are strong and you will get through it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and LaDawne,

Although we haven't been in close communication much with you over the years, I feel like I have been right there with you through all this. We have been blessed to have Kevin and Jen in our Bible Study group updating us and we have sent many prayers up for you two.

I am so happy for you that you final have a firm diagnosis, even though it was probably a difficult one. I know that God will bless you as you move forward from here.

We are looking forward to being able to visit with you again soon. Please call the next time you are in town, we really enjoyed our last visit.

Peter and Lenora

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at your strength through all of this! God is definitly using you to show me how I need to be continually leaning on Him. We love you and will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Mike & LaDawne,
I've been incredibly blessed to read of your trust in God's goodness through a very difficult journey. Please know that there is a greater "family" praying for you. May you find courage in the words of our Lord - "I know the plans I have for you." He is in control, and I pray that you will again experience that peace that is beyond comprehension.